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Version: SDK V2

Smart Account V1 Methods

export interface IBiconomySmartAccount extends ISmartAccount {
init(initilizationData?: InitilizationData): Promise<this>
initializeAccountAtIndex(accountIndex: number): void
getExecuteCallData(to: string, value: BigNumberish, data: BytesLike): string
to: Array<string>,
value: Array<BigNumberish>,
data: Array<BytesLike>
): string
buildUserOp(transactions: Transaction[], overrides?: Overrides): Promise<Partial<UserOperation>>
getAllTokenBalances(balancesDto: BalancesDto): Promise<BalancesResponse>
getTotalBalanceInUsd(balancesDto: BalancesDto): Promise<UsdBalanceResponse>
smartAccountByOwnerDto: SmartAccountByOwnerDto
): Promise<SmartAccountsResponse>
getTransactionsByAddress(chainId: number, address: string): Promise<SCWTransactionResponse[]>
getTransactionByHash(txHash: string): Promise<SCWTransactionResponse>
getAllSupportedChains(): Promise<SupportedChainsResponse>

IBiconomySmartAccount Interface

The IBiconomySmartAccount interface extends the ISmartAccount interface and provides additional methods for interacting with a Biconomy Smart Account.

| Method | Parameters | Description || |---------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | init | initilizationData?: InitilizationData | Initializes the smart account with the provided initilizationData, if provided. Returns a Promise that resolves to the initialized IBiconomySmartAccount. | | initializeAccountAtIndex | accountIndex: number | Initializes the smart account at the specified accountIndex. | | getExecuteCallData | to: string, value: BigNumberish, data: BytesLike | Returns the call data for executing a single transaction to the specified address (to) with the given value and data. | | getExecuteBatchCallData | to: Array string , value: Array BigNumberish, data: Array BytesLike | Returns the call data for executing a batch of transactions to multiple addresses (to) with the corresponding value and data arrays. | | buildUserOp | transactions: Transaction[], overrides?: Overrides | Builds a UserOperation object from the provided array of Transactions. It also accepts optional overrides for specifying gas limits and gas prices. Returns a Promise that resolves to the partial UserOperation. | | getAllTokenBalances | balancesDto: BalancesDto | Retrieves the balances of multiple tokens for the smart account based on the provided balancesDto. Returns a Promise that resolves to the BalancesResponse containing the token balances. | | getTotalBalanceInUsd | balancesDto: BalancesDto | Retrieves the total balance of all tokens in USD for the smart account based on the provided balancesDto. Returns a Promise that resolves to the UsdBalanceResponse. | | getSmartAccountsByOwner | smartAccountByOwnerDto: SmartAccountByOwnerDto | Retrieves all smart accounts owned by the specified address based on the provided smartAccountByOwnerDto. Returns a Promise that resolves to the SmartAccountsResponse containing the array of smart account addresses. | | getTransactionsByAddress | chainId: number, address: string | Retrieves the transactions associated with the specified address on the given chainId. Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of SCWTransactionResponse objects containing information about the transactions. | | getTransactionByHash | txHash: string | Retrieves the transaction details for the specified transaction hash (txHash). Returns a Promise that resolves to a SCWTransactionResponse object containing information about the transaction. | | getAllSupportedChains | N/A | Retrieves information about all supported chains. Returns a Promise that resolves to the SupportedChainsResponse containing the list of supported chains. |

ISmartAccount Interface

The ISmartAccount interface provides essential methods for interacting with a Biconomy Smart Account.

import { UserOperation } from '@biconomy/core-types'
import { UserOpResponse } from '@biconomy/bundler'
export interface ISmartAccount {
getSmartAccountAddress(accountIndex: number): Promise<string>
signUserOp(userOperation: UserOperation): Promise<UserOperation>
sendUserOp(userOperation: UserOperation): Promise<UserOpResponse>
sendSignedUserOp(userOperation: UserOperation): Promise<UserOpResponse>
getSmartAccountAddressaccountIndex: numberRetrieves the address of the smart account at the specified accountIndex. Returns a Promise that resolves to the smart account address.
signUserOpuserOperation: UserOperationSigns the given UserOperation with the necessary cryptographic signature. Returns a Promise that resolves to the signed UserOperation.
sendUserOpuserOperation: UserOperationSends the provided UserOperation to the Biconomy network for execution. Returns a Promise that resolves to a UserOpResponse containing the response from the network.
sendSignedUserOpuserOperation: UserOperationSends the pre-signed UserOperation to the Biconomy network for execution. Returns a Promise that resolves to a UserOpResponse containing the response from the network.