📄️ Environment Set up
If you already went through the quick start guide this section follows the same initial steps. You can skip this and go straight to the next section if you want to implement into your existing quick start codebase.
📄️ Initialize Smart Account
In this step we'll set up our node js script to create or display a smart account in our command prompt.
📄️ Creating Gasless Transactions
In this guide, we will walk through creating a basic Node.js script using
📄️ Batching Multiple Transactions
In this guide, we will edit the functionality in the previous section to not only mint a gassless transaction but to showcase batching transactions by minting multiple transactions together.
📄️ Pay for Gas with ERC20 Tokens
In this guide, we will edit the functionality in the gasless transaction section
📄️ Multi Chain NFT Mint
In this guide, we will edit the functionality in the gasless transaction section to switch from minting an NFT on one chain to two chains with one signature.