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Version: SDK V2

Get Methods

The following are methods for getting information about your Smart Account.


These methods are available after creating an instance of your smart accounts. See create method for more information. Make sure to call any of these from an async function!


This method returns a promise that resolves to a string representing the address of your smart account

const address = await smartAccount.getAccountAddress();


This method returns a promise that resolves into a list of all supported chains for the smart account

const supportedChains = await smartAccount.getAllSupportedChains()


This method returns a promise that resolves to the total token balances from your Smart Account it takes a balance params object as listed below.

const balanceParams =
chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MAINNET, // chainId of your choice
eoaAddress: address, // although it is defined as eoaAddress you need to pass your smart account address
tokenAddresses: [], // optionally provide token addresses you want to show

const balFromSdk = await smartAccount.getAllTokenBalances(balanceParams);


This method returns a promise that resolves to a list of token balances in USD for your smart account.

const balanceParams =
chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MAINNET, // chainId of your choice
eoaAddress: address, // although it is defined as eoaAddress you need to pass your smart account address
tokenAddresses: [], // optionally provide token addresses you want to show

const usdBalFromSdk = await smartAccount.getTotalBalanceInUsd(balanceParams);


This method returns a smart account at a given index from a specific EOA

const params = {
chainId: 80001, //or any chain id of your choice
owner: "eoa address",
index: 0

const account = getSmartAccountsByOwner({params})


This method returns a promise which resolves to a nonce as a big number

const nonce = await smartAccount.getNonce()


This returns index of the current active smart account

const index = smartAccount.index


This returns an object with information about the current active validation module

const activeValidationModule = smartAccount.activeValidationModule

Sample object:

ECDSAOwnershipValidationModule {
entryPointAddress: '0x5ff137d4b0fdcd49dca30c7cf57e578a026d2789',
version: 'V1_0_0',
moduleAddress: '0x0000001c5b32F37F5beA87BDD5374eB2aC54eA8e',
signer: Wallet {
_isSigner: true,
_signingKey: [Function (anonymous)],
_mnemonic: [Function (anonymous)],
address: '0x322Af0da66D00be980C7aa006377FCaaEee3BDFD', // this is your signers address
provider: JsonRpcProvider {
_isProvider: true,
_events: [],
_emitted: [Object],
disableCcipRead: false,
formatter: [Formatter],
anyNetwork: false,
_networkPromise: [Promise],
_maxInternalBlockNumber: -1024,
_lastBlockNumber: -2,
_maxFilterBlockRange: 10,
_pollingInterval: 4000,
_fastQueryDate: 0,
connection: [Object],
_nextId: 42