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Version: SDK V1

Using Packages

Biconomy SDK exports several packages which can aid your development.

Node Client Package

This package is responsible for the communication between the Client SDK and the Backend Node.


yarn add @biconomy/node-client


npm install @biconomy/node-client


import NodeClient from "@biconomy/node-client"
const nodeClient = new NodeClient({ txServiceUrl: '' })

Get all the supported Chains

const supportedChainList = await nodeClient.getAllSupportedChains()

Get all the supported Token

const supportedTokensList = await nodeClient.getAllTokens()

Get all the Smart Accounts By Owner

import { SmartAccountByOwnerDto } from "@biconomy/node-client"

const smartAccountByOwnerDto: SmartAccountByOwnerDto {
chainId: 1, // network of your choice
owner: 'abcxxx....' // eoa address from whom you want to know smart wallet address

const smartAccountsByOwner = await nodeClient.getSmartAccountsByOwner(smartAccountByOwnerDto)

Get Smart Account Balances

import { BalancesDto } from '@biconomy/node-client'

import { ChainId } from '@biconomy/core-types'

const balanceParams: BalancesDto =
// if no chainId is supplied, SDK will automatically pick active one that
// is being supplied for initialization
chainId: ChainId.MAINNET, // chainId of your choice
eoaAddress: smartAccount.address,
// If empty string you receive balances of all tokens watched by Indexer
// you can only whitelist token addresses that are listed in token respostory
// specified above ^
tokenAddresses: [],

const balFromSdk = await smartAccount.getAlltokenBalances(balanceParams);;

const usdBalFromSdk = await smartAccount.getTotalBalanceInUsd(balanceParams);;