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Version: SDK V1

Gasless Transactions Code Example

Send Single Gasless Transaction

const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider");
const SmartAccount = require("@biconomy/smart-account").default;
const { ChainId } = require("@biconomy/core-types");

const config = {
privateKey: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
rpcUrl: "",
dappAPIKey: "",

async function main() {
let provider = new HDWalletProvider(config.privateKey, config.rpcUrl);
const walletProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider);
// create SmartAccount instance
const wallet = new SmartAccount(walletProvider, {
debug: false,
activeNetworkId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI,
supportedNetworksIds: [ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI],
networkConfig: [
chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI,
dappAPIKey: config.dappAPIKey,
const smartAccount = await wallet.init();

// transfer ERC-20 tokens to recipient
const erc20Interface = new ethers.utils.Interface([
'function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)'
// Encode an ERC-20 token transfer to recipient of the specified amount
const recipientAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const amount = ethers.BigNumber.from("1000000")
const usdcAddress = '0xdA5289fCAAF71d52a80A254da614a192b693e977'
const data = erc20Interface.encodeFunctionData(
'transfer', [recipientAddress, amount]
const tx = {
to: usdcAddress,

// Transaction events subscription
smartAccount.on('txHashGenerated', (response) => {
console.log('txHashGenerated event received via emitter', response);
smartAccount.on('onHashChanged', (response: any) => {
console.log('onHashChanged event received via emitter', response);
smartAccount.on('txMined', (response) => {
console.log('txMined event received via emitter', response);
smartAccount.on('error', (response) => {
console.log('error event received via emitter', response);

// Sending gasless transaction
const txResponse = await smartAccount.sendTransaction({ transaction: tx });
console.log('userOp hash', txResponse.hash);
// If you do not subscribe to listener, one can also get the receipt like shown below
const txReciept = await txResponse.wait();
console.log('Tx hash', txReciept.transactionHash);

main().catch((error) => {

Send Batched Gasless Transactions

const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider");
const SmartAccount = require("@biconomy/smart-account").default;
const { ChainId } = require("@biconomy/core-types");

const config = {
privateKey: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
rpcUrl: "",
dappAPIKey: "",

async function main() {
let provider = new HDWalletProvider(config.privateKey, config.rpcUrl);
const walletProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider);
// create SmartAccount instance
const wallet = new SmartAccount(walletProvider, {
debug: false,
activeNetworkId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI,
supportedNetworksIds: [ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI],
networkConfig: [
chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI,
dappAPIKey: config.dappAPIKey,
const smartAccount = await wallet.init();

// transfer ERC-20 tokens to recipient
const erc20Interface = new ethers.utils.Interface(ERC_20_ABI)

// Encode an ERC-20 token approval to spenderAddress of the specified amount
const approvalEncodedData = erc20Interface.encodeFunctionData(
'approve', [spenderAddress, amount]
// Encode an ERC-20 token transferFrom from an address of the specified amount
const transferFromEncodedData = erc20Interface.encodeFunctionData(
'transferFrom', [from, receipientAddress, amount]

const txs = [];
// You need to create transaction objects of the following interface
const tx1 = {
to: usdcAddress, // destination smart contract address
data: approvalEncodedData
const tx2 = {
to: usdcAddress,
data: transferFromEncodedData

// Transaction events subscription
smartAccount.on('txHashGenerated', (response) => {
console.log('txHashGenerated event received via emitter', response);
smartAccount.on('txMined', (response) => {
console.log('txMined event received via emitter', response);
smartAccount.on('error', (response) => {
console.log('error event received via emitter', response);

// Sending gasless transaction
const txResponse = await smartAccount.sendTransactionBatch({ transactions: txs });
console.log('UserOp hash', txResponse.hash);
// If you do not subscribe to listener, one can also get the receipt like shown below
const txReciept = await txResponse.wait();
console.log('Tx Hash', txReciept.transactionHash);
// DONE! You just sent a batched gasless transaction

main().catch((error) => {

Code Examples


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