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Version: SDK V2

Paymaster and Bundler Chains

List of chains supported by our Paymasters and Bundlers.

Mainnet Chains

  1. Ethereum
  2. Polygon Mainnet
  3. BSC Mainnet
  4. Polygon zkEVM Mainnet
  5. Arbitrum One Mainnet
  6. Arbitrum Nova Mainnet
  7. Optimism Mainnet
  8. Avalanche Mainnet
  9. Base Mainnet
  10. Linea Mainnet
  11. Chiliz Mainnet
  12. Astar Mainnet
  13. opBNB Mainnet

Testnet Chains

  1. Goerli
  2. Polygon Mumbai
  3. BSC Testnet
  4. Polygon zkEVM Testnet
  5. Arbitrum Goerli Testnet
  6. Optimisim Goerli Testnet
  7. Avalanche Fuji Testnet
  8. Base Goerli Testnet
  9. Linea Testnet
  10. Chiliz Spicy Testnet
  11. Astar Shibuya testnet
  12. opBNB Testnet

Building on Chiliz Mainnet or the Spicy Testnet? Note that the entry point address on Chiliz is different. The entry point contract for this chain was deployed by the Biconomy team. The address of the entry point is : 0x00000061FEfce24A79343c27127435286BB7A4E1